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PBPA Panel: Innovations needed from water to air

October 7, 2023

by Mella McEwen

Midland Reporter-Telegram

Producing oil and natural gas has moved far beyond drilling holes in the ground.

A range of innovations in the industry was the focus of a panel discussion at the Permian Basin Petroleum Association’s Annual Meeting at the Petroleum Club.

Sustainability is part of the industry’s future and “we need to find ways to embrace it,” said Chris Davis, senior vice president, Milestone Carbon. His company just announced plans for a carbon capture and sequestration hub on about 10,000 acres that straddle Midland and Upton counties and is evaluating a larger site for a Delaware Basin hub.

What he’s learned after working 20 years in the upstream space is the importance of energy and the need to pursue sustainability.

“We need to pursue an economic, practical pathway to help the industry sustainably manage waste and emissions,” he said.

Progress is being made in sustainably managing....

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